This is the story of Chad's fight against Appendix Cancer. On January 7, 2015 Chad found out just how special he was when he was told that not only did he have Cancer but it was extremely rare and very aggressive. Chad has always taken life by storm - so why stop now? Some may have crumpled and fell but the soldier in him took over and he decided then and there he had an infinite number of reasons to kick Cancer's ass. The road will never be easy but he will fight - and he will win.
Monday, December 21, 2015
Year-In Review
He had his CT Scan, everything looked good. Blood results came back as well and they also looked good. As you know, his colonoscopy looked good. Still waiting on the endoscopy appointment date.
I've been doing a lot of reflecting these past couple weeks and despite all the hardships and difficult times. Despite his never-ending recovery which I know torments Chad both physically, mentally and emotionally - I still need to thank God every single day for somehow orchestrating the events to fall how they did. Dr. Sardi could've seen anything when he opened my husband up but thankfully we got our best case scenario in a very bad situation.
To all of you out there who have checked in and asked how Chad was doing, for those who have supported us throughout this crazy ride, for those who have showed love and warmth and compassion - Please know you changed our lives this year. You brought light when we were at our darkest and you provided strength when we were at our weakest and you lifted us up when we were at our lowest.
I realize this journey will be a life-time marathon and we're still just getting started. It's just important for us that everyone out there knows how much of an impact you have had on our lives and you will be forever imprinted on our hearts.
From our family to yours - have a VERY safe, happy and healthy holiday season!
Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Preliminary CT Scan Results
For every cancer patient in 'remission', the fear of recurrence is ever present. Due to the aggressiveness of Chad's cancer, he has to have blood work every three months and CT Scans every six.
Due to some problems during the Summer, this is more like a 9 month scan.
As I was waiting for them to complete the tests, a man approached me and asked me if I ever had a penny from heaven. I replied that I hadn't while inwardly concerned he was a bit unstable. He proceeded to hand me a penny with a cross cut out and said "There. Now you have."
All I can say is 'Thank you God.'
Dr. V reviewed the CT scan and while we will wait on the final results and our specialist opinion, prior to full out celebrating... we can breath a little sigh of relief because the doctor said the scan looked good!!!
All I can say is, ' Thank You God. AMEN'
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Colonscopy Complete.
I decided to post a quick update from my phone while I wait for my class to start at the gym.
Everything went smoothly today for Chad's colonscopy. Thankfully, the doctor said it went well and he saw nothing of concern. No cancer and no polyps! (phew). One down, one to go.
He also didn't see any scar tissue and while the area where they put his colon back together was slightly narrowed, it wasn't too bad. So as far as the intense cramping goes, we can rest easy knowing its not being 'caused' by anything. God willing... time and patience make it more bareable.
CT Scan is the big one. Tomorrow at 9:20. We have to travel all the way to Illinois for this one, so it will be an early start. We meet with his oncologist as well so hopefully he will have the results then and there.
Your continued love and prayers are always appreciated xo
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
I Wish It Was Next Week!

that he remains cancer free and also, they can determine if there's anything happening in there that causes him the pains and cramping.
His CT Scan and Blood work is on Thursday. Again, asking for continued prayers that he remains cancer free. It's been a crazy journey this year and Chad had his 45th birthday yesterday! It was a nice little celebration of life which we will continue to do for the next 60 years :)
I Love You, Chad! You've got this!
P.S. Brenden's birthday is today, so it was a joint celebration! Hence the matching party hats!