Friday, December 23, 2016

Oops! I Forgot...

I thought I had already made the last post of 2017 but I was wrong. God willing, this will be the last for this year! That simply means we get through the next week and a bit without anything worth talking about! :)

December 22, 2017 - Chad had his appointment for pain management. I had forgotten about this one!I can't recollect if I told you his neck surgery was delayed due to red-tape with the VA. We will pursue this again in the new year. In the mean time, they have shoved a big long needle into his neck! Ouch! The actual puncture site is what gave him trouble last night. He is still asleep so I am not sure how he will fare today but God willing this will help him manage the neck pain until we're able to move forward on the other stuff!

Dr Love (yes, LOVE!) performed the procedure in Paducah. It was relatively smooth and he seemed decent enough. There were some bad reviews on the internet so I was weary but all seems okay for the moment!

Thank you all for continuing to follow us on this journey. For those who still keep Chad in your prayers and send love! xo We wish you a Merry Christmas AND a safe and happy New year!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Merry Christmas!

Life is a series of obstacles. Sometimes you have to jump through hoops, just so you can sit down and relax awhile.

Yesterday was the dreaded colonoscopy. While Chad did not have colon cancer, appendix cancer is treated the same and pops up just about anywhere within the abdominal cavity. When he was prepping for his big surgery in March of 2015 he had to have his first colonoscopy. It was a horrible experience from the prepping right through to the results. He did not have cancer in his colon then but he did have three large polyps, one of which was considered pre-cancerous.

With all of Chad's digestive issues, it lingered in the back of my mind (his too I assume) that maybe something else is going on. There was also the hernia to contend with.

Well I am delighted to report that he is clean as a whistle. Not even a polyp in there. The doctor also did not make any notes in reference to the hernia so we can assume it's not protruding into his digestive track anywhere. Unfortunately, still no answers where that is concerned.

He still has Pain Management on Thursday. But this whole neck spinal thing has become another burden because he is having a lot more flare ups but when we went to get re-approved for his neurosurgeon visits, they decided to deny them this time. So we have to start that process all over again.

But for now - We have a clear CT Scan, a clear colonscopy, good blood results - so as far as anyone can tell - Chad remains Cancer Free entering his two year mark! We're beyond blessed!

It's the best Christmas present we could hope for.

So from our family to yours - have a VERY Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Life Keeps Us Busy

And that is a blessing indeed. Every day on this beautiful, messed up planet is a gift from God. As tired as we may be, as much pain as we may be in - every individual in existence who gets one more day is given a gift.

I am tired but this isn't about me. Ha! For those in the blog world only and not Facebook - Chad and I did something that we never thought possible. Especially considering where we were just two short years ago. We bought a house.

Purchases like this are crazy to begin with. Pair that with the cancer stuff and it puts you in a weird spot. In my support group I've seen so often people say; "I was planning this or that but what if the cancer comes back" And all I can think of is; "But what if it doesn't?" Do you want to wake up ten years from now regretting all the things you didn't do because you were scared you couldn't?

Chad has been doing alright. He pushed himself to the end of the earth. He worked so hard, you wouldn't believe. And kept going and is still going. I know the pain he has is crippling at times but he never gives up - or gives in. He's my hero. Even when he's cranky and makes me cry. lol

Monday, December 19th - We're headed to Marion, IL for his colonoscopy. They'll be able to get a better idea about his hernia and God Willing, no polyps or any other concerning things are found. Hopefully.. Just answers and a plan to help him feel better!

Thanks for your continued love and prayers. We're forever grateful

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Results and Other Stuff...

I am writing from my phone but wanted to post about this week's findings.

God has blessed us in so many ways, I am.humbled and so beyond grateful.

Monday, November 28 - Chad met wit the GI doctor and has a colonscopy scheduled for December 19th. He also seen the dermatologist and got the all clear for the spots on his back and the bad spot on his leg.

December  1- CT Scan. We were in and out, it was faster than any CT Scan in the past and it worried me. I was already nervous and suffering from scanxiety big time. Chad's oncologist retired and left the VA, so when we went to see the new oncologist, we were informed she does not read her own scans so she would have to call us with the results. Or get us back in to see her. We were not expecting to hear until sometime next week but she just called...

NED! No evidence of recurrent disease! She did confirm Chad has a hernia and that the cyst on his liver (that he's had for years) remains unchanged. So we are just super happy.

We will still be getting the scans sent to Dr Sardi in Baltimore but at least the preliminary findings gave us some relief!

Thanks for your continued prayers! They worked!!!