Today we had what we thought was an appointment with Dr Swain but it ended up with another guy, Dr Green.
Apparently, this office is more specialized but this doctor is going to consult with both Dr Swain and Dr Fitch (sp). Dr F. has performed tests on Chad in the past when they originally discovered his cancer so I believe Chad is comfortable with both doctors.
This was more of a consult than anything but the plan of action is as follows:
Doctor Green is going to talk to doctor Swain about doing a laparotomy to have a look around and determine whether scar tissue is the culprit, causing both pain and blockages.
Dr Swain may prefer they do other tests first to rule out anything else because cutting someone open and going in blind is not usually preferred.
The test schedule are;
December 20 - A Gastroparesis Test. They will give him a small amount of food with a radio active tracer in it. As he eats and digests it, they will take a series of xrays to determine if his stomach is behaving how it should.
March 23, 2019 - I'll confirm dates later but they have him scheduled to do both a colonoscopy and an endoscopy. This date MAY be moved up if Dr Swain does want to go this course before exploration.
Other than that, we have no news or ideas. There are a lot of things it could be but they need to examine the elephant in the room first (scar tissue) ... Basically keep doing what we are doing. :(
Its discouraging to think any sort of relief for him is still so far off in the distance, especially with him vomiting almost daily now but at least there is some form of a plan taking shape.
Thanks for your love and prayers xo