Well it's another year and this will mark 7 years cancer free for Chad. On January 6, 2015 he had his gallbladder and appendix removed. We thought it was a standard surgery to address on-going stomach issues. It wouldn't be until the next day January 7th that we would find out the magnitude of what was happening inside his body.
It wasn't until nearly two months later, after a ton of appointments, fighting for proper care, writing letters, making phone calls, flying across the country, jumping through hoops and cutting red tape - that we would understand the importance of that initial surgery. On March 2, 2015 Chad went under the knife with all the hope in the world wrapped tightly in all the worry. He was at the mercy of one of the leading appendix cancer specialist and his surgical team and of course, God - to not only see him through the surgery but deliver the best case scenario considering the circumstance. And He did it. He delivered.
Chad's cancer was fully removed in the original surgery by Dr. Swain and because of one surgeon's instinct Chad is still alive and growing old with me and his family. The blessings that were bestowed upon us that day will never be forgotten or taken for granted. One different decision, or three months down the line and I would be writing a very difficult blog post right now.
Today he is well. He will always have chronic issues with respects to digestion and cramping and has resolved himself to dealing with it the best he can through diet and medication. Now his main goal in life is to stop the rest of his body from falling apart! lol
On December 2nd, Chad had his shoulder surgery and his recovery has gone remarkably well. We were expecting months of pain and discomfort but with everything considered, it barely slowed him down. He really is a trooper. He will actually be returning to work in a couple days to see how things bode for him. Prayers that he doesn't over do it and that the surgery was successful in alleviating his pain would always be appreciated.
In 2020, just before the world turned upside down - Chad had surgery on his neck, While it was a success in itself it didn't do anything at all for him in terms of pain relief. So he still gets pain injections to help with that. He had his most recent set a few days before Christmas and they help a bit.
All considered, as we enter 2022 - Chad is doing well and taking each day as it comes. My prayer for him always is that he will forever remain cancer free and always find the strength to endure whatever else this crazy world throws at him. <3
From our family to yours - Have a happy and HEALTHY 2022! May this year find us all in a better place xo