What does it mean to be 'normal' ? I know our normal has been entirely redefined since Chad's diagnosis but I am happy to report, God Willing, we may return to some sort of normalcy soon! And we shall enjoy it to the fullest!
Chad had lab work done yesterday here at the clinic about 35 minutes away. Today we traveled to Marion, Illinois to the VA hospital. All the blood work came back normal, Dr. V reviewed the previous CT Scans and everything looks good there. He will be forwarding the results to our specialist. Dr. Sardi for review. Dr V did prescribe yet more medication for Chad to address his burn pain that he has been having in his waist-line area but other than that, things look great!
Chad still has cramping and the occasional pain but he has been cleared to go back to work in about three weeks - so we are thrilled!
He also went to see the dermatologist to get some moles checked out. There is a history of Melanoma in his family so considering what he's been through over the past six months, he was vying on the side of cautious. The dermatologist said everything looked fine and he wasn't concerned about anything!
The most beautiful thing is, aside from blood work in three months - we will not have to go back to the VA hospital until December! (Provided nothing catastrophic happens) So let's have a toast, a cheer and a prayer to and for NORMALCY!
So, at the end of the day - I would consider this one a success :)

This is the story of Chad's fight against Appendix Cancer. On January 7, 2015 Chad found out just how special he was when he was told that not only did he have Cancer but it was extremely rare and very aggressive. Chad has always taken life by storm - so why stop now? Some may have crumpled and fell but the soldier in him took over and he decided then and there he had an infinite number of reasons to kick Cancer's ass. The road will never be easy but he will fight - and he will win.
Oh, what a happy report to read! God bless you guys. You were way over-do for some good news. I will continue to pray that things progress nicely. Going back to work will be tough, just do what you can and sleep when you can. Your body has been through the ringer!!