He thinks Chads weight gain could just be a calorie thing but not sure. He also thinks some of the bloating could be a result of IBS and/or pain killers. He didn't provide any clues or explanation to the cramping and pain aside from possible IBS.
What he DID do is schedule Chad for a CT Scan and a Colonoscopy. (which Chad needed anyways) He already has a 6-Month check-up scan scheduled for December so our hope is;
1. They move the CT Scan (with and without contrast) up a couple weeks
2. They allow us to go to Paris, TN to have it done instead of Marion, IL.
Since the CT Scan and Colonoscopy have to be done on different days, it would save us two-two hour trips, whereas Paris, TN is only 30 minutes away.
We will know more once we hear back from the doctors. I will keep everyone posted!
Much love for all your prayers and positive thoughts!
Hang in there.