I have been writing a lot lately and the reason is probably obvious. This time last year was life-changing. Up until this point, we didn't quite realize what we were in for...
However, shortly after 5 PM on January 7th, 2015 Chad was given some absolutely terrifying news that would change his life forever. He was diagnosed with appendix cancer. Dr. Swain didn't know much about it so he did research on it before delivering the pathology. It was rare and the kind he had was very aggressive. He wouldn't give us time lines, partly because I assume he didn't know (because there was SO much unknown at that time about whether it spread or not) and partly because he didn't want to scare us.
I will NEVER forgot that moment. I will remember the look on his face and on Chad's face until the day I die. I could only hear half of what he was saying and my mind was racing a million miles a minute. I remember asking questions, even asking if there's a chance the pathologist was wrong. (Wow, wasn't that naive) I remember when he left the room, holding Chad's hand as tears quietly found their way out of his eyes. I remember feeling numb but calm. I never once questioned if he would survive this. I remember leaning in and saying to him "I waited my entire life to find you, I am not going to lose you yet"
I didn't go home that night to shower like I had the nights before. I couldn't face Haven. Instead I went to the Chapel .. I put it in God's hands. He carried us and continues to carry us.
Last night was a strange night. We went to dinner with a couple of friends to celebrate Chad's fight against cancer. And then we went to a viewing to pay our condolences to our Preacher whose sister passed away ... from cancer. Chad met her briefly once. I had never had the pleasure. One thing is for certain though - from the amount of people who showed up - she and her family are very, very, very loved. Our thoughts, prayers, love and respect go out to Josh and his family.
Today? Today is another day. Another blessing. Another chance to prove ourselves worthy of this life God has given us. Embrace it. Cherish it, Make it count. Surround yourself with those you love and love them fiercely. There is no promise they will be there tomorrow. Never miss an opportunity to show someone how much they mean to you. Don't save the 'I Love You's' for another day. Because tomorrow they may be gone and will never hear them.
Today is the day worth living for.

This is the story of Chad's fight against Appendix Cancer. On January 7, 2015 Chad found out just how special he was when he was told that not only did he have Cancer but it was extremely rare and very aggressive. Chad has always taken life by storm - so why stop now? Some may have crumpled and fell but the soldier in him took over and he decided then and there he had an infinite number of reasons to kick Cancer's ass. The road will never be easy but he will fight - and he will win.
Very Moving and Inspiring Words Shannon! One year down & A lifetime to go!
ReplyDeleteSending love and support to my adopted niece and nephew xoxo
ReplyDeleteSending love and support to my adopted niece and nephew xoxo