Monday, June 19, 2017

It's Time...

Today we are heading to Marion, IL to the VA hospital for Chad's CT Scan and Oncologist Appointment.

Tomorrow, he is getting his long awaited Hernia Repair Surgery.

Emotions are running high and unreasonable fears are creeping in.

I am kindly requesting that anyone out there who believes in the power of prayer, to please send some Chad's way. We pray for clear CT Scan results today (No Cancer!) and for a successful, complication-free surgery tomorrow! Our prayers for best case scenario is that Dr. Swain is able to repair the hernia without any trouble, sees absolutely no sign of cancer anywhere and also is able to see/fix Chad's digestive track.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Much Love


  1. <3 Prayers and Love...keep me (us) posted!!

  2. Holding you close in thought and prayer.
