Saturday, June 2, 2018

They Don't Make It Easy

Nothing is ever easy, that's for sure.

As noted from a previous post, Chad was denied being able to return to work due to the restrictions the surgeon put on him. He tried to get in to see the surgeon to re-evaluate the restrictions but he was told they would not move the appointment up and they would see him on June 13th.

June 13th! No. Needless to say, this was ridiculous to me. Chad has not had any income for the duration and this and he is perfectly capable of working. Where the doctor thinks he should be, based upon some imaginary timeline and where he actually IS in his recovery are worlds apart. The man is home, digging holes, mowing lawns, coaching baseball, etc., He's been walking without crutches for a month. He still wears his brace, of course. He is not 100% healed by any stretch of the imagination but he is not home-bound either.

So I did what I do best. I made them listen. ha ha! I made a phone call, I explained the situation and said we needed to see someone sooner, rather than later to lift the restrictions. So................

The appointment was on Friday and he has been cleared both by his doctor and his boss. He returns to work on Monday! *Happy Dance*

I think it will do him good, mentally as well, to get back into his routine.

The crappy news is, he has not been feeling well at all lately. His digestion is worse than ever, he has bloody bowel movements, cramping is off the charts and he is getting dizzy and nauseous all the time. He has a CT Scan a couple weeks ago - all clear. He had a colonoscopy in March, all clear. Blood work is all good. There is clearly something not right but all the test indicate he's perfectly fine.

I've told him to call the doctor and go see them but he refused and now he returns to work on Monday and has no time off. So - I don't know. I don't know what this means, where it's going or if it's just going to be more of the same. It's a shitty reality (literally and figuratively) when your only option is to 'deal with it', this is 'your new normal'. It's hard on him and it's actually hard on me as well.

As always, with every aspect of my life for the past.... *insert number* years.... taking it one day at a time.

Thank you for your love, prayers and support.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Chad is still plagued by these random intestinal issues. I know Dr. Sardi wants to see his patients in person to go over scans and issues and don't know if you have the capability to do that either. Sometimes relying on local interpretation is scary but we can only go by what we have available to us.

    Be careful going back to work with the lightheadedness.
