We are heading to Baltimore early so Chad can get his colonoscopy. It turned out the "Hope Lodge" wasn't very hopeful after all and was not somewhere where we could stay. To be completely honest, I found the woman who responded to my inquiries entirely rude and showed a dire lack of compassion.
Fortunately, a dear friend from SingSnap was able to get us a great rate at the same hotel we stayed in last time. I also booked the flights this morning which was entirely painless. Thank Goodness.
Today we travel to Mayfield for Chad to get some blood work and an EKG and try to figure out the bit about getting the colonoscopy medication in time for the trip.
It's funny as time goes on, the people who you thought were going to be your champions end up being absent when you really need them - even if it's just for advice or a strong shoulder. Fortunately, we still have so much support from some dear friends and family and we're using it to propel forward!
Watch out cancer - we're coming to get you!

This is the story of Chad's fight against Appendix Cancer. On January 7, 2015 Chad found out just how special he was when he was told that not only did he have Cancer but it was extremely rare and very aggressive. Chad has always taken life by storm - so why stop now? Some may have crumpled and fell but the soldier in him took over and he decided then and there he had an infinite number of reasons to kick Cancer's ass. The road will never be easy but he will fight - and he will win.
Good Luck! Safe Travels!