Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Today - We're Up To Date

I started this blog because I wanted to document the journey. People have asked for his story and all of it's different layers but it is hard to put it into words. I gave a rough and brief explanation of what we have gone through up until this point - some things I've skipped or messed up the order - but for the most part, the bones are there.

Now that I am 'caught up' - I will be able to give more in depth updates.

Here is a brief re-cap of what we have had to do, to get where we are.

- We received the diagnosis.
- We researched the disease, as painful and difficult as it was. It is paramount to educate yourself because you will be the best advocate you have.
- We reached out. To state congressman, cancer organizations, friends and family and the VA Advocacy office.
- We talked to people. I talked to as many people as I could; whether it be other patients, other representives in different VA's, chartible organizations. Whomever I could speak to that may have some information that could be important.

Some truly amazing people that I may not have included in my blogs yet;

Laurie Johnson Todd - The Insurance Warrior: A wonderful woman who has dedicated her life to helping others. She is a survivor of the disease herself and has committed her days to helping people get the help they need when faced with insurance difficulties.

Jeremy, Mark and Margie, Jen, Cindy, Kimberly (and the list goes on - All cancer patients who offered an ear, some advice, contacts and friendship. All who made an impact just by showing they care.

PMP Appendix Cancer Support Group - While it is difficult at times to read some of the struggles, people in this support group really understand what it is like to be dealing with a diagnosis such as Appendix Cancer and have already provided a wealth of information and comfort. 

Jim Smith - Commander Master Chief of Air Compassion For Veterans who provided our air fare to see Doctor Sardi.

The hundreds of people who have offered prayers, donations, love and support.  My boss Trevor McGuire (who is remarkable) my co-workers, Chad's boss and co-workers - the list goes on.

Our family; Oh I don't even know how I could have gotten this far without them. My Dad and Step-Mother Nancy, my mother - always a phone call away. They were there any and everytime I had news or needed to cry. They were my rock. They sent us money to help make ends meet, they sent us unwavering love, support, prayers... Chad's Dad and Step-Mother were amazing. Driving us to and from the airport, bringing home cooked meals (which was a bigger benefit than you can imagine while Chad was unable to move from the couch. i HATE cooking and they saved me and gave me a much needed break) Chad's mother, with emotional support, love and prayers. His sister Kristy, my siblings - even my baby sister donated some of her own money (It broke my heart in one way but made me so unbelievably proud of her in another)

I could go on and on about the love we have received but I will never be able to include everyone. My online family from SingSnap has been so absolutely amazing that it beyond blows my mind. I had friends offer and help with hotels, places to stay, transportation, - it never ends.

We are loved beyond belief and our gratitude is inmeasurable.

We know we have a long ways to go yet but we're trusting in God and doing everything we can to make sure Chad is getting the best care possible. I am still scared something will screw up between now and the surgery but I am going to remain optomistic and we'll get through this.

Chad is one of the strongest, most incredible people I know. If anyone can beat this - he can.

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