We arrived just before 9 AM and the admitting procedure was painless. Chad filled out some basic paperwork, got taken to his room and waited. A series of medical professionals came in; RN, NST, Dr. Sardi's PA, and Dr Sardi's partner (Dr Sardi doesn't work on Sundays).
Dr Sardi's PA, who we met during the consult, is such a nice woman and just her mere presence puts me at ease. She delivered the very good news that the results of the biopsy of Chad's polyps showed negative for cancer. Naturally, I broke down immediately, it's what I do best lately.
A Chaplain came in and the man clearly did his research as he not only knew we were from Murray, Kentucky but even shared a story about him watching Murray State play basketball in 1969!
Chad began his bowel prep for surgery, which, naturally he was thrilled about because he just did it two days ago and it was a barrel of laughs then (Heavy note on the sarcasm) ... My beautiful, amazing and dear friend Kimmie arrived shortly thereafter and brought some much needed conversation and laughs to the evening.
I am so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. She drove from Pennsylvania so I didn't have to be alone for tomorrow. It is such a kind and compassionate gesture and means so much.
Before she left, the Chaplain came back and Chad asked him to do a prayer ... Yup, tears. Honestly, I am an emotional mess. I know we are where we need to be, I know Chad will be getting great care and I feel in my heart everything will be okay, regardless of what surgery takes place. But I cannot pretend I am not scared.
I will continue to ask for prayers and for God to watch over my husband and our family.
T-Minus 11 hours and the surgery will be under way.
Chad - I Love You. You Got This!

This is the story of Chad's fight against Appendix Cancer. On January 7, 2015 Chad found out just how special he was when he was told that not only did he have Cancer but it was extremely rare and very aggressive. Chad has always taken life by storm - so why stop now? Some may have crumpled and fell but the soldier in him took over and he decided then and there he had an infinite number of reasons to kick Cancer's ass. The road will never be easy but he will fight - and he will win.
great news Shannon. I know you got this too and so dos Chad..hugs
ReplyDeletegreat news Shannon. I know you got this too and so dos Chad..hugs