Once we got back to the hotel, Chad proceeded to tell me that the CAA Championship game was being held just a couple blocks down the road. I said "Yeah, that's nice"..I could tell he really wanted to go so I checked out the available seats and it looked like there were just too many steps involved.
So on a whim, I decided to write a few letters to random people including the CAA Facebook Page, as well as the actual Royal Farms Arena directly. Amazingly they not only acknowledged and responded, they went way above and beyond by giving us complimentary seats, meeting us with a wheel chair, by passing all the lines, gave us water and offered us the moon, which we politely declined as they had already done so much! They were so friendly it was just amazing!

One thing for sure, there are some really impressive people who live in Baltimore! Some of the nurses and assistants at the hospital, peope from Dr Sardis office, even Dr. Sardi himself. I am not sure if I mentioned it but once he came to see me after the surgery, he actually hugged me. And he initiated it! I have never seen a surgeon do something like that before, it blew me away!
I don't love the one-way streets, but I think Baltimore is growing on me! :)
This is great news and now you can get back home and settled in for the recovery process of the surgery. I am glad things worked out better than what could have been something far worse. Many doctors now are human too. Getting to see the game was an awesome treat. Nice. Still praying for you and your journey home and ahead.