Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Still Kickin'

 As some of you know, Chad had neck surgery back in March. While it was done to prevent further deterioration, we were hopeful it would help improve his pain in his neck, shoulders and wrist. It hasn't done much for pain relief but his recovery was pretty smooth.

October 19, 2020 -  Since the neck surgery didn't help with his wrist issues (He loses sensation, drops things, etc.,) - Chad went to see a doctor about his wrist. They will eventually give him an injection once they get the results from his Nerve Conduction study the VA conducted before lockdown. For now they have given him some steroids to help with inflammation and a brace to wear at night (Which I doubt he will wear lol) 

Other than that, life is just truckin' on here in Kentucky. We send our love and prayers to everyone across the globe. We sure hope you and your family are enduring these crazy times <3 Stay safe and live your best life! xo