Thursday, May 10, 2018

Back To Work - Soon

I neglected to post a blog update about Chad's most recent visit with the Orthopedic Surgeon. Everything went very well. They took new X-Rays and everything looks the same (it was explained that that is a GOOD thing). He was instructed to continue not putting any weight on his knee for another two weeks. This is laughable because he's been walking for weeks now.

The lady said, that is what she has to put on paper but when I explained what he had been doing already, she told us to keep doing what he's been doing, just not any more. In about a week he's supposed to start a few more exercises. He was cleared for light duty at work for sometime next week I believe. It all depends if his work will let him return.

Our follow-up appointment will be on June 12, 2018. So provided he doesn't do anything stupid and further injure himself (which is my biggest fear), his recovery has gone well thus far!

Thanks for your love and support!


  1. Return to work with bubble wrap Chad! It's the only way! LOL

  2. God Bless....Now Chad, I'm telling you right now. IF you do anything else, you will FORCE me to come there and pad you.
    Hugs, Nancy <3

    1. LOL I think you should go pad him anyway, just to be on the safe side. :D

    2. Kathy LOL....Shannon would injure him just so Id visit LOL!
