Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Last Update of 2019!

First and foremost, Chad's CT Results and Blood work all look good. That is the blessing of 2019 as far as his health is concerned. I assume we will have to see his oncologist in the New Year to see what the modified regiment is for prevention. I assume his CT Scans will be pushed back to once a year along with his colonscopy.

Chad had an appointment with the Nurse of the Neurosurgeon yesterday and I felt like I was in an episode of Grey's Anatomy. Anyone who watches knows that the surgeons on that show are very hungry to cut, cut, cut. Surgery is always the answer for them! This guy was very eager to get Chad to have surgery.

The MRI he had done two years ago is basically the same as it is now - but he let us know it's "bad". He's seen worse but this is bad. There's basically zero cartridge left between C4 and C5.  There is a follow up appointment on January 14th with the actual neurosurgeon.

I have mixed emotions about the entire thing because Chad is not in pain every day like he was when we went to the doctor originally and also because Chad is a terrible patient. He does not recover well and every time they treat him for one thing, ten more things go wrong. So it worries me.

On the flip side, if this is going to get progressively worse, he needs to be proactive in preventing further deterioration and risking more sever consequences. He returns to work on January 6th, so he will have to find out what the deal will be with time off, etc., and then once we meet with the Surgeon on the 14th, we will know more.

For now, it's a waiting (and thinking) game. Ultimately, it will be his decision on what he is most comfortable with. Thank you for your prayers and love xo

Have a great 2020!

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