Friday, November 17, 2017

Happy Birthday?

November 16, 2017 - We went to Marion, IL to drop of Chad's 24 Hour Urine test and to see the chiropractor. While he wouldn't even touch Chad's neck because he said it was so bad (from the images, said Chad needs surgery. Ha. No Kidding) He did adjust his back and give some exercises to do at home. The end goal is to get them to refer Chad to a local guy but it will take 6 visits with this guy since this is a new program with the VA here.

We also found out Chad's PET Scan has been scheduled. For. November 30th - 8 am. His Birthday. *sigh*

We won't get the results that day but we're really, really hoping it is going to be the best birthday present ever with another "NED (No Evidence of Disease) |Report"!

He's been doing pretty well lately, all things considered. We count our blessings.

Many thanks for the love and continued prayers.


  1. Good thoughts and prayers always!

  2. Prayers will continue, until all this is behind you!
    Hugs and Love
    I'll be leaving for Florida on Monday butI'll be back before Chads BD <3
